How to measure a hockey stick?

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Hockey is the most crucial equipment that you will need to win your matches. New players make mistakes in choosing the right stick and stick sizes. Stick measurement can affect your performance severely if you do not care enough. 

The size of your hockey stick can affect your game in many ways. If you have a smaller stick, it can break easily. A longer stick will give you a hard time passing, short as you desire. 

How to measure a hockey stick

In this article, we will be discussing how to measure a hockey stick. Additionally, you will learn the best ways to choose the right stick for you.


How to measure field hockey sticks

A hockey stick is one of the differentiators on the hockey field. We will try to learn to measure field hockey sticks. 

To learn to measure hockey sticks, you should learn about the sizes available in the market. 

There are four different sets of hockey stick sizes available in the market.

  • Youth
  • Junior
  • Intermediate
  • Senior

Youth hockey sticks are for the age of 4-8 years. The average height of this group is forty-five inches. Then comes the junior group of 7-13 years of age, and the average height of the stick is fifty-two inches. The intermediate covers 11-13 years of age, and the senior is for 14+ years of age. 

Each of the size groups above consists of different sub-variants based on flex, blade, angle, etc. 

To measure the length of the stick, all you need is measurement tape. Place the stick flat on the ground. Hold the tape on the nib of the handle, and pull to the edge of the bottom of the blade.

In these terms, it is vital to know about the sizing guideline for different players. So, let’s check out the sizing guideline for hockey sticks.

Sizing guidelines for different hockey sticks

Sizing Guideline’s General Comparison Chart is a very effective way to measure hockey sticks. The hockey sticks available in the market are divided into four main categories based on the user’s age, height, and weight. These are Intermediate, Youth, Senior, and Junior Hockey sticks. We created a detailed comparison chart here to understand better.

Youth hockey stick sizing guide

Player AgeMore than seven years
Player HeightMore than 4’
Player weightUp to 60 pounds
Stick Length43 inches to 46 inches
Available Flexes20 to 45

Junior hockey stick sizing guide

Player Age6 to 12 years
Player HeightFrom 3’-9” to 4’-9”
Player weight50 to 120 pounds
Stick Length50 inches to 54 inches
Available Flexes30 to 50

Intermediate hockey stick sizing guide

Player Age11 to 16 years
Player HeightFrom 4’-6” to 5’-3”
Player weightAbout 120 to 160 pounds
Stick Length55 inches to 57 inches
Available Flexes55 to 75

Senior hockey stick sizing guide

Player AgeMore than 14 years
Player HeightMore than 5’-6”
Player weightMore than 120 pounds
Stick Length58 inches to 63 inches
Available Flexes60-110

How to measure ice hockey sticks?

We believe that you have already known about the ideal size of the hockey stick from the above comparison chart. Since each person’s body structure is different, the size of the hockey stick may change according to the type of player. Today we will tell you some simple but precise methods how do you measure a hockey stick.

Fixed the types of hockey

It is important to decide in advance what type of hockey you want to play. For example, make sure if you are going to play ice, roller, or street hockey. 

Wear proper hockey shoes

Remember that you can wear traditional hockey shoes in street hockey, which follow the normal rules of stick measurement. On the other hand, it must add 2 inches with the proper hockey stick length in terms of rollerblades or skate hockey. 

 Stand straight and look forward

Now stand up to look forward and keep the hockey shaft parallel to the body. In the meantime, let your toe touch the ground. 

Now notice if the stick is up to the space between your chin and the nose. Do note that a much longer stick will cross above your nose, and a too shorter stick won’t reach the chin. 

Determined your preference

 The length of a hockey stick depends a lot on the player’s personal preferences. And personal preference is closely related to the own style of each player. Here are some issues that are very crucial to keep in mind. 

First of all, we are talking about a short hockey stick dangler. Good to know that a short stick is lighter and easier to move around. But a player must have enough skill to handle a short stick.

On the contrary, a grinder hockey stick is designed for those players who usually played near the corner and kept themselves around the net. This stick is average in length. 

And a defensemen stick is a longer hockey stick that is suitable to prevent foul shots. 

 Adjust the stick length

 It can be difficult to find a hockey stick of a very specific length, in which case you have to adjust it a little bit by cutting. Usually, the length needs to be reduced. But in rare cases, some players may require to increase the length. That is why they use the wooden plug with a stuck bottom. 

Discover if the stick is much longer

How do you know if your stick is too long? In ice skating, it is easy to understand. An extra-long stick is about 2-3 inches higher on the top of the hand during ice skating. 

How to choose a hockey stick

How to Choose a Hockey Stick? there are some variables to choosing a hockey stick with more accuracy. 

  • Having the right size hockey stick is mandatory because a too-short or too long stick is tricky to handle and can easily break.
  • Select the right class of stick. You can choose a stick from the series of junior, intermediate, youth, or senior.
  • Choose the material you require. Do note that hockey sticks are usually made of fiberglass, carbon, graphite, and wood. 
  • Pick a hockey stick of a two-piece or one-piece model because these are coming as these two types. 
  • Several flexibilities are available among the senior, junior, intermediate, and youth hockey sticks. So, choose your preferred one. 
  • Consider a gripped hockey stick that is comfortable to hold whereas a non-grip is difficult to hold for a long time. 
  • Make sure about your kick point that it mainly depends on your playing position and performance level. 
  • Determined your hand position for a different level of a hockey game 
  • Choose a blade pattern you prefer because they have multiple blade patterns from different manufacturing brands. 
  • Try to understand the basics of blade lie for better stick selection.
  • Keep in mind to consider another important variable of a hockey stick. 

What is the kick point in a hockey stick?

A kick point is a crucial factor in a hockey stick. The term refers to a point in a hockey stick that naturally bends to produce an extended force. It also prevents the stick from breaking while the player takes a shot. 

Kick-point has immense importance for composite sticks. As we know, composite sticks are made of thin layers of carbon fiber. 

At the kick-point, the carbon fiber layers are placed in different strategical directions to provide more power applied in the slapshots. 

There are different sorts of kick points. 

1. Mid-kick point: It is widely popular and the default kick point for hockey sticks. The most famous manufacturer produces sticks that have a kick-point at the center of the bat. These sticks are called mid-kick-stick. Generally, hockey players bend so much for acquiring more energy in a shot. The mid-kick point allows the player to attain more strength in a shot as it bends itself from the middle. 

2. Low kick point: After the mid-kick stick, lower kick sticks are popular among ice hockey players. The concept of the low kick point is that the kick point is nearer to the ice. So, the player doesn’t need to put all of their weight on the stick. And the low kick point makes the stick recoil faster than the mid kicks. The low kick point is famous because they require less power but delivers the puck faster.

It will be easier for you if we compare both of the kick points based on their features.

Mid Kick versus Low Kick

Mid Kick

  • It requires more power.
  • The player has to bend more, which gives them balance during the shot.
  • A player can take shots in various forces and modes with a mid-kick stick.
  • Mid-kick provides the puck with more power and accuracy.

Low Kick

  • The kick point recoils faster.
  • For the quick release, the puck doesn’t turn away.
  • The player gets a precise feel of the puck.
  • A low kick helps take shots from the corner or quick snap when the player is near the opponent’s net. 


The style of play differs from player to player. It would help if you understood that there are quite a few factors that lie in choosing the right one. Types of the stick are some of the most important ones. Here are a few essential aspects of choosing the right hockey stick. 

  • Types of the stick
  • Size
  • Flex
  • Blade angle
  • Kick point
  • Price

You have to have a clear understanding of your play style. It will help you to determine the factors above. 

You will get mostly three sorts of sticks in the market. 

  • Composite Sticks
  • Wooden Stick
  • Two-Piece

Composite sticks are the latest of all. You can find them ins different price ranges. The composite sticks’ specialty is lightweight, as they are made of fiberglass and carbon fiber. Professional players use composite sticks. Their lightweight provides comfort in handling them. But it would help if you remembered that composite sticks might not last long compared to wooden sticks. 

Wooden sticks are cheap and widely available. Most of the players’ first take is a wooden stick as they are cheap and long-lasting. You might get into trouble with the weight if you compare wooden sticks with composite bats. 

Two-part hockey sticks are a money saver. Most newcomer has this financial issue. Hockey sticks break a lot as they have to deal with hard hits and crushes. Purchasing a new bat is not always easy. Two-part hockey bats help save money, as you can change the blade if it is broken or the shaft. You might face a loose join after playing several matches as the stick comes with two separate parts. 

Right now, you should be clear on choosing the type of stick you would like to have. Once you select the type of your stick, the next job should be picking the size. 


  • How do you measure a child for a hockey stick?

You can measure a child for a hockey stick by simply holding it with their side. The stick has to stay under the belly button or hip. The extra-longer hockey stick over the hip is too long for a child.  

  • How do you measure a hockey stick without skates?

In addition to skating, you can measure hockey sticks by following only three steps. First, stand up straight with your feet on the ground. Now keep the stick toe near your feet on the ground. Now look straight ahead and notice the tip of your nose. 

  • What are the five parts of a hockey stick?

A hockey stick blade is divided into two main parts: heel and toe. And they have three most crucial three parts. Those are the butt, end, and shaft. Every part of it is related to one another.


Lastly, the hockey stick is the only thing that determines your success. Never overlook the right size of the hockey stick. Remember, a tiny factor can spawn a great change.

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Hi, I am Prince. I’m a semi-professional hockey player. I’m the founder and chief editor at “Hockey Ever”. I love playing hockey and helping players to improve their game and that’s why I decided to start this blog.

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